EGU General Assembly 2008
Session Programme Meeting Programme Personal Programme Search
  Magnetism, Palaeomagnetism, Rock Physics & Geomaterials - Papers of Special Interest as Identified by Session/Event Organizers

Area A: Papers which might be of interest for science writers, for public information officers and for the press media and for the Newsletter of the Union

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IS27 - MPRG13/G15/GD23: Small scales for potential fields - tools and models (co-organized by MPRG, G & GD)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02302 oral solicited (30 min) - Purucker, M.
Combining magnetic and seismic data as a tool for basin analysis: An example from western Eurasia
Michael Purucker,
IS28 - MPRG14/GD32/PS3.9: Magnetism and planetary dynamics (co-organized by MPRG, GD & PS)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-04848 oral solicited (30 min) - Slavin, J. A.
MESSENGER measurements of Mercury’s magnetic field during the first flyby
James A. Slavin,
MPRG11: Time Varying magnetic Field - from reversals to jerks
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-08376 oral (15 min) - Valet, J.P.; Plenier, G.; Herrero-Bervera, E.
Geomagnetic Excursions are Aborted Reversals
Jean-Pierre Valet,
MPRG3: Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling and imaging in rock deformation
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-06272 oral solicited (15 min) - Marone, C.; Saffer, D. M.; Ikari, M. J.; Haines, S.
Frictional properties and hydro-mechanical processes in clay rich fault gouge
Chris Marone,
EGU2008-A-09691 oral solicited (15 min) - Hall, S.A.; Lenoir, N.; Viggiani, G.; Bésuelle, P.; Desrues, J.
X-ray μCT and 3D digital image correlation to study localised deformation in geomaterials under triaxial compression
Stephen Hall,
EGU2008-A-10065 poster - Gasc, J.; Brantut, N.; Schubnel, A.; Brunet, F.; Rouzaud, J.-N.; Müller, H.-J
Acoustic emissions imaging and synchrotron x-ray diffraction analysis of calcite at high pressure and temperature
Julien Gasc,
MPRG6: Rock and mineral magnetism: from observation to interpretation
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02101 oral solicited (30 min) - Carvallo, C.; Sainctavit, Ph.; Arrio, M.-A.; Menguy, N.; Wang, Y.; Ona-Nguema, G.; Brice-Profeta, S.
X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism in rock magnetism - Application to the study of biogenic magnetite
Claire Carvallo,
EGU2008-A-02220 oral solicited (30 min) - Egli, R.
Inversion of magnetic susceptibility measurements: quantitative characterization of ferri- and antiferromagnetic superparamagnetism
Ramon Egli,
EGU2008-A-05187 oral (15 min) - Muxworthy, A. R.; Williams, W.
Critical superparamagnetic/single-domain grain-sizes in interacting magnetite particles: implications for magnetosomes
Adrian Muxworthy,
EGU2008-A-05676 oral solicited (30 min) - Kasama, T.; Pósfai, M.; Chong, R.K.K; Buseck, P.R.; Frankel, R.B.; Harrison, R.J.; Dunin-Borkowski, R.E.
Quantitative transmission electron microscopy of iron oxide and sulfide nanocrystals in magnetotactic bacteria
Takeshi Kasama,
EGU2008-A-11944 oral (15 min) - Luebbe, M; Winklhofer, M; Gigler, AM; Dumas, RK; Moritz, W
Synthesis and characterization of hematite-ilmenite multilayers:
MPRG7: The Transport Properties of Geomaterials: Theory, Modeling, Measurement, Application and Integration
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-03201 oral solicited (30 min) - David, C.; Menéndez, B.; Louis, L.; Mengus, J.M.
Investigating the interplay between damage and fluid flow patterns in rocks using CT scanning imaging and acoustic emission techniques
Christian David,
EGU2008-A-04526 oral solicited (30 min) - Ishido, T.
Electrokinetic coupling in fractured rock
Tsuneo Ishido,
EGU2008-A-05096 oral solicited (15 min) - Arnold, J.; Hartmann, A.; Fehr, A.; Pape, H.; Klitzsch, N.; Rath, V.; Blümich, B.; Clauser, C.
Inference of hydraulic permeability and thermal conductivity from NMR and borehole logging
Christoph Clauser,
EGU2008-A-11943 oral solicited (15 min) - Popov, Yu.
Recent evolution in experimental thermal petrophysics
Yuri Popov,
EGU2008-A-12037 oral solicited (15 min) - Bernabé, Y
Propagation of harmonic flow waves in heterogeneous pipe networks: effect of the pipe radius distribution on the effective wave velocity and attenuation
Yves Bernabé,

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