EGU General Assembly 2008
Session Programme Meeting Programme Personal Programme Search
  Earth & Space Science Informatics - Papers of Special Interest as Identified by Session/Event Organizers

Area A: Papers which might be of interest for science writers, for public information officers and for the press media and for the Newsletter of the Union

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ESSI10: The Service Oriented Architecture approach for Earth and Space Sciences
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-01502 oral solicited (15 min) - Percivall, G
GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot
George Percivall,
EGU2008-A-04949 oral (15 min) - Khalsa, S.J.S; Nativi, S.; Geller, G.; Lumsden, R.
How GEOSS IP3 explores and enables interdisciplinary science
Stefano Nativi,
ESSI5: Earth System Modelling: Strategies and Software (co-listed in CL)
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-03935 oral (15 min) - Wutzler, T.; Sarjoughian, H.
Towards Modular Modelling – A Case Study of Utilizing Discrete Event Specified Systems (DEVS)
Thomas Wutzler,
ESSI6: Data and Metadata Models & Mark-up Languages
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-02874 oral (15 min) - Domenico, B.; Baumann, P.; Caron, J.; Davis, E.; Falke, S.; Nativi, S.; Rew, R.; Tandy, J.; Woolf, A.; Yang, W.
An implementation and experimentation approach to developing interoperable coverage service specifications
Ben Domenico,
EGU2008-A-02998 oral solicited (15 min) - Cox, S J D
Standards-based methodology for developing a geoscience markup language
Simon Cox,
ESSI8: Geosciences applications on Grid
Abstract Status Scheduled Contributions (Author(s), Title) Name and Email of Contact
EGU2008-A-00385 oral (15 min) - Kussul, N.; Shelestov, A.; Skakun, S.; Li, G.
InterGrid testbed for flood monitoring
Natalia Kussul,
EGU2008-A-09252 oral (15 min) - Fusco, L.
GENESI-DR perspectives and goals of a wide research infrastructure for the Earth Science community
Luigi Fusco,
EGU2008-A-10099 poster - Madejewski, J.; Thomas, D.; Youinou, G.
Pilot test using grid technology performed for a seismic imaging project: did you ever drive a Ferrari?
gael youinou,

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