EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - HS1.1 Science impact in hydrology: interaction between research and applied engineering (invited speakers only)

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Rinaldo, A.; Muneepeerakul, R.; Bertuzzo, E.; Rodriguez-Iturbe, I.
River networks as ecological corridors for biodiversity, populations and waetr-borne disease

Blöschl, G.
Synergies of fundamental and applied research: a personal perspective

Kinzelbach, W.
Hydrological science and engineering: the yin and yang of water resources management

Parker, G.; Belmont, P.; Gran, K.; Jennings, C.; Lauer, J.; Perg, L.; Viparelli, E.; Wilcock, P.
Effect on rivers of massive changes in hydrologic regime due to human intervention

Kirchner, J.W.
Simple models for complex hydrologic behavior: a challenge for basic research and engineering

Rutschmann, P.
Benefits from Hydrodynamic Simulations for Hydrology

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