EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - CL40 Climate Models Intercomparison: Dynamics and Physical Processes (co-listed in AS, NP & OS)

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Buehler, S.; Milz, M.; Eliasson, S.
Upper tropospheric humidity and cloud ice - comparing global climate models and satellite observations

de Jong, MF; Drijfhout, SS; Hazeleger, W; van Aken, HM; Severijns, CA
Simulations of hydrographic properties in the north western North Atlantic Ocean in Global Climate Models

Pishvaei, M. R.; Lapin, M.
Regional Circulation Effects Reflected by Cyclonicity Indices over Eastern Mediterranean Sea

Konor, C; Cazes-Boezio, G; Mechoso, C. R.; Arakawa, A.
Parameterization of PBL processes in an Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Description and Preliminary Assessment

Prömmel, K.; Geyer, B.; Jones, J.M.; Widmann, M.
Analysis of a high-resolution regional climate simulation for alpine temperature: validation and influence of the NAO

Weber, S.L.; PMIP members, -
Mechanisms for the glacial AMOC response: a lesson for the future?

Alpert, P.; Kitoh, A.; Yatagai, A.; Krichak, S. ; Kunin, P.; Fengjun, J.
First super-high-resolution modeling study that the ancient "Fertile Crescent" will disappear in this century and comparison to regional climate models

Williamson, D.; Nakagawa, M.; Klein, S.; Earnshaw, P.; Nunes, A.; Roads, J.
Transpose AMIP: a process oriented climate model intercomparison using model forecasts and field campaign observations

Jaeger, E. B.; Anders, I.; Lüthi, D.; Rockel, B.; Schär, C.; Seneviratne, S. I.
Analysis of ERA40-driven RCM simulations for Europe

Dell’Aquila, A.; Felici, M.; Ruti, P.; Speranza, A.; Vitolo, R.; Lucarini, V.
Accessing extremes of mid-latitudinal wave activity: methodology and application on a GCM

Feldmann, H.; Früh, B.; Schädler, G.; Panitz, H.-J.
Evaluation of the precipitation for south-west Germany from high resolution simulations with regional climate models

Alvarez-Garcia, F. J.; Perez-Gonzalez, I.; CabosNarvaez, W.; OrtizBevia, M. J.
North Atlantic Decadal variability in the CMIP3 multi-model dataset

Anders, I.; von Storch, H.; Rockel, B.
Analysis of near surface wind speed results from a multi model ensemble

Bender, F.; Ekman, A.; Rodhe, H.
Response to the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in relation to climate sensitivity in the CMIP3 models

Kusunoki, S.; Arakawa, O.; Kitoh, A.
Precipitation intensity of East Asian summer monsoon simulated by CMIP3 models

Yokoi, S; Takayabu, YN; Chan, JCL
Seasonal march of tropical cyclogenesis simulated in eight climate models from WCRP CMIP3 multimodel dataset

Bellon, G.
Multiple equilibria of the Hadley circulation: a cause for the double ITCZ?

Chiodo, G.; Giorgetta, M.; Raschke, E.; Kinne, S.
Sensitivity in ECHAM5 to variations at low sun elevations

Karpechko, A.Yu.; Gillett, N.P.; Marshall , G.J.
Climate impacts of the Southern Annular Mode simulated by the IPCC AR4 models

Boer, G.J.; Lambert, S.
Energetics in Atmospheric Climate Models

Forest, C.E.; Sokolov, A.P.; Stone , P.H.
Constraining climate system properties using 20th century observations and the implications for the CMIP3 ensemble results

Oshima, K.; Tanimoto, Y.
Pacific Decadal Oscillation in IPCC AR4 20th century climate simulations

Laîné, A.; Kageyama, M.; Salas-Mélia, D.; Ramstein, G.; Planton, S.; Denvil, S.; Tyteca, S.
An energetic study of Northern hemisphere storm-tracks under 4xCO2 conditions in two ocean-atmosphere coupled models

Will, A.; Keuler, K.; Radtke, K.; Woldt, M.
Quality Control of a climate change ensemble simulation over Europe with the regional climate model COSMO-CLM

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