EGU General Assembly 2008
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  List of Accepted Contributions - SSP2 Strengths and limitations of speleothem archives (co-listed in CL & IG)

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Cheng, H.; Edwards, R. L.; Wang, Y. J.; Kong, X. G.; Wang, X. F.; Chen, S. T.; Jiang, X. Y.
The mystery of glacial terminations: evidence from Asian Monsoon records and their global correlations

Mattey, D; Duffet, J; Latin, J-P; Ballestrino, J; Ainsworth, M; Durrell, R; Hodge, E; Atkinson, T; Fairchild, I; Frisia, S
Seasonal controls on speleothem growth and isotope climate records in St. Michaels Cave, Gibraltar.

Kluge, T.; Marx, T.; Aeschbach-Hertig, W.
Paleotemperatures derived from fluid inclusion in stalagmites

Pagliara, A.; De Waele, J.; Forti, P.
Speleothem fabrics and carbonate inhibiting ions as proxies for climate reconstruction in SW Sardinia.

Immenhauser, A.; Buhl, D. ; Richter, D. ; Vonhof, H.
Towards an improved understanding of the Magnesium isotope record in speleothem archives

Fohlmeister, J.; Kromer, B.; Miorandi, R.; Spötl, C.; Skog, G.; Mangini, A.
C14 in speleothem drip water from Grotta di Ernesto, Italy

Mason, J. E.; Rowe, P.; Andrews, J.; Kendall, A.; Thomas, L.; van Calsteren, P.; Marca-Bell, A.
A continuous oxygen and carbon isotopic record from 6-80ka in a speleothem from NE Turkey

Fischer, M. J.; Treble, P. C.
Calibration of isotope-climate transfer function for the interpretation of high-resolution speleothem records

Scheidegger, Y.; Kipfer, R.; Wieler, R.; Fleitmann, D.; Trösch, M.
A step to noble gas temperatures from fluid inclusions in stalagmites

Soto, L.; Onac, B. P.; Polyak, V.; Asmerom, Y.; Bojar, A.-V.; Miller, T.
High-resolution record of the H4 event from a Puerto Rico speleothem

Hujer, W.; Seemann, R.; Gier, S.; Koller, F.; Berger, A.; Symeonidis, N.; Steinhauser, G.
Dwarf elephant bearing karst and volcaniclastic deposits from Charkadio Cave, Tilos, Greece

Spötl, C.; Treble, P.C.
Speleothems from Spannagel Cave, Austria: no link between trace elements and climate?

Blyth, A; Baker, A; Collins, M
Molecular analysis of organic matter in stalagmites: advantages and limitations

Beddows, P.A.; Ford, D.C.; Schwarcz, H.P.; Zhang, R.
Hydrochemical and isotopic variability of cave drip water along an elevation gradient and Holocene paleoenvironmental reconstruction, Vancouver Island, Canada.

Couchoud, I.; Hellstrom, J.; Drysdale, R.; Zanchetta, G.; Fallick, A.; Smith, T.
Comparing the timing of Termination II and the progression of the Last Interglacial using Northern and Southern hemisphere speleothem records

Couchoud, I.; Drysdale, R.; Hellstrom, J.; Zanchetta, G.; Woodhead, J.; Frisia, S.; Greig, A.
A multi-proxy study of an active subaqueous speleothem containing a 1 Ma palaeoclimate record

Fairchild, IJ; Wynn, PM; Baker, A
Speleothem archives in their biogeochemical context

Siklosy, Z.; Demeny, A.; Pilet, S.; Leel-Ossy, Sz.
Speleothems as a sensitive indicators of environmental pollution

Luetscher, M.; Hoffmann, D.L. ; Fleitmann, D. ; Smart, P.L.
Reconstructing Holocene glacier fluctuations from alpine speleothems

Riechelmann, D.F.C; Richter, D.K.
Upper Pleistocene cryogenic spherolites with unusual calcite structure and C/O-isotopic composition: Cupulas of the Malachitdom cave (Sauerland/ NRW Germany).

Riechelmann, D.F.C; Niggemann, S.; Richter, D.K.; Spötl, C.
Monitoring of Bunker Cave (Sauerland, Germany): preliminary results

Scholz, D.; Frisia, S.; Borsato, A.; Spötl, C.; Fohlmeister, J.; Mühlinghaus, C.; Miorandi, R.; Mudelsee, M.; Kromer, B.; Mangini, A.
Holocene stalagmite indicates alternating influence of central European and Mediterranean climate in northern Italy

Fleitmann, D.; Badertscher, S.; Göktürk, O.M.; Pickering, R.; Cheng, H.; Edwards, R.L.; Tüysüz, O.; Kramers, J.
A 50,000-year high-resolution stalagmite record from Northern Turkey

Escala, M.; Rosell-Melé, A.; Fietz, S.; Baker, A.
Archaeal lipids in speleothems and the calibration of TEX86 in a new terrestrial archive

Atkinson, T C; IsomapUK & Ascribe Team
Unison, harmony or cacophony? Similarities and differences among coeval isotope records from near-neighbour speleothems.

Persoiu, A
Paleoclimate and perennial ice accumulations in caves: promises and limitations

Tamas, T.; Bojar, A.-V.; Constantin, S.; Lauritzen, S.-E.
A 9,200-year d18O record of a stalagmite from NW Romania

Daeron, M.; Guo, W.; Eiler, J.; Genty, D.; Wainer, K.; Affek, H.; Vonhof, H.; Blamart, D.
Quantitative speleo-thermometry? Using clumped-isotopes measurements to correct for kinetic isotope fractionations induced by CO2 degassing

Kilian, R.; Schimpf, D.; Mangini, A.; Spötl, C.; Kronz, A.; Arz, H.
High resolution precipitation and wind record from the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Zone, based on speleothem proxies

Johnston, V.; McDermott, F.
An investigation of Cl-36 as a novel solar irradiance proxy in speleothems: preliminary results from European rainfall and shallow karst systems.

van Breukelen, M.R.; Vonhof, H.B.
High-Resolution Cyclicity in a Late Holocene Peruvian Speleothem: Solar Forcing on Rainfall in Amazonia?

Banasiak, A.; Jimenez-Sanchez , M.; Stoll, H.; Dominguez , M.J.; Brunet, M.; Moreno, A.
Trace element variations and layer thickness analysis of recent laminated stalagmites from Asturias, Northern Spain

Jimenez, M. ; Dominguez, M.J.; Banasiak, A. ; Stoll, H.; Vadillo, I.; Trigo, R.
Calibration of cave climate proxies in Northern Spain through rainwater and dripwater analysis

Jackson, A.S.; McDermott, F.; Mangini, A.
Late Holocene climate oscillations and 14C fluctuations in speleothems: constraints on models for solar forcing.

Boch, R.; Spötl, C.; Frisia, S.
The origin of annual lamination in stalagmites from Katerloch Cave (Austria)

Tuccimei, P.; Soligo, M.; Ginés, J.; Ginés, A.; Fornós, J.; Kramers, J.; Villa, I.M.
Speleothem precipitation at the water table of Holocene meteoric-marine mixing zones in Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Strengths and limitations as palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic archives.

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