Information - AS1.07/CL31 Oxygen-18 in climate models, observations and paleo-data (co-organized by CL) (co-listed in BG)
Event Information |
The ratio of oxygen-18/oxygen-16 in water is a fundamental tracer of the hydrologic cycle and hence the climate system. It is preserved in paleo-archives spanning all the components of the earth system oceans, cryosphere, land surface) in proxies as diverse as coral and foraminiferal carbonate, polar and tropical ice cores, speleothems, tree-ring cellulose, lake carbonates, mollusks and pore waters. Integrating these disparate records and reconciling the multiple effects (temperature, source region variability, seasonality, etc.) recorded therein is a significant challenge. The use of models
with water isotope tracers and attempts at forward modelling the signals in the paleo-archives themselves, hold much potential for improving our understanding of these archives. This session is dedicated to papers presenting innovative techniques and results from combining different archives with models in order to further our understanding of climate changes at the continental to global scale. While the main focus is on O18/O16 proxies, papers related to deuterium/hydrogen ratios in, for instance, organic biomarkers or ice cores, are also welcome.
Preliminary List of Solicited Speakers |
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