Information - NP3.02 Scaling, multifractals and turbulent structures in oceans, atmosphere and the climate (co-listed in AS, BG, CL & OS)
Event Information |
This session will highlight nonlinear aspects of ocean and atmosphere dynamics including clouds, radiative transfer, turbulence, and climate. Emphasis will be on scaling, multifractal and extremely variable properties of observed fields, and the latest developments of corresponding notions, methods, theories and models in order to understand the underlying fundamental mechanisms. This will include: theoretical and experimental studies of turbulence, and related cascade models; turbulent transfers of energy, passive and active scalar diffusion; seasonal, interannual and climate-scale variations and coupling across abroad range of scales; surface/atmosphere interactions; global change problems. In this year's session, focus is placed on the spatio-temporal variability and dynamics on a wide range of scales in observed fields and models, clouds and cloud-radiation interaction, and climate variability.
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